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First Class Foundation / Announcements  / An Open Letter to the Family, Young People, and the Community

An Open Letter to the Family, Young People, and the Community

An Open Letter to the Family, Young People, and the Community.

To the family and all those closest to the tragic loss of the 12-year-old child, our heartfelt thoughts and prayers are with you during this unimaginably difficult time. It is devastating to see a life so young and full of potential taken. These tragedies are becoming all too common, affecting younger individuals and leaving profound despair in their wake.

“For those of us who work tirelessly in safeguarding, mentoring, and preserving young lives, this loss is deeply felt. It’s a stark reminder of the vital yet increasingly difficult role we play amidst the challenging realities in Birmingham today.”

For those of us who work tirelessly in safeguarding, mentoring, and preserving young lives, this loss is deeply felt. It’s a stark reminder of the vital yet increasingly difficult role we play amidst the challenging realities in Birmingham today.

The current political and economic climate has made our work harder than ever. Those of us commissioned to deliver critical services often operate within restrictive guidelines, determining who can access support. Few grasp the immense risk assessment, paperwork, reporting, and monitoring behind the scenes. These pressures often leave passionate practitioners feeling burnt out, demotivated, and seeking a way out of the sector.

Initiatives like the Home Office-funded pilot Step Together, led by the West Midlands Violence Reduction Unit (VRU), were designed to safeguard young people during their school journeys. These programmes created safety points along routes prone to antisocial behaviour and violence. Sadly, resources for such programmes have been cut, leaving a gap in protecting our children—programmes that were designed to preserve lives.

To all working tirelessly to make a difference, we extend our deepest respect and gratitude. Youth workers, faith leaders, educators, and community champions: do not give up. Saving one life is worth every effort, and your work is not in vain.

To the family grieving this tragic loss, and all the young people affected, our hearts are with you. We stand with you in prayer and determination to create a brighter, safer future for our children.

Yours sincerely, Nathan Dennis Founder & Trustee, First Class Foundation

>>>Full Birmingham Live Article